Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Is a Healthy Mouth Dirty?

There is no big incident here, just a time to share.

When I was young, I only ate onions if they were cooked. Lately, I have discovered not only a tolerance for all types of raw onions, but a love of the red ones. I love including them in my sandwiches for lunch and it makes me feel so healthy! However, I realize that even though I typically finish my lunch with something super sweet and drink plenty of water, my breath reeks of red onion for at least several hours. I've tried gum as well, to no avail.

I'm lucky that I'm not required to get too close to anyone so I don't think anyone else notices, but the taste in my mouth adds a touch of paranoia to my day. (Do I really need any more reasons to feel nervous at work? I think not!)

"Stop eating the onions!" you say? There has to be another way. I am just not prepared to give them up.

I'm wondering if I should bring a toothbrush to work, but I don't have my own office, so I'd have to carry it in my bag at all times. And, I will admit that at my old job, whenever I saw people carrying their own toothbrushes at work, I always thought "That's smart, but just too weird."

At this point my options are:
1) Say goodbye to onions and ironically tear up
2) Say hello to brushing after lunch and learn new jokes about having a "dirty mouth"
3) Tell myself that most likely no one notices and savor the red onion breath as a tribute to how much I love them

(Ok, so that last part is even too weird for me.)


  1. savor the savory goodness of onions sans toothbrush. it keeps the kiddies at bay :)

  2. The trick with onions is to neutralize the acids that the breaking of the cell-walls generate. You can do this most effectively with something sweet and absorbent or dairy. A cup of yogurt works well, but I've found an oatmeal-raisin cookie is also highly effective (did anyone say "Subway"?

    So, that's what you do - keep some yogurt and a chewy cookie on hand - eat your onions, neutralize with desert, then brush your teeth if still necessary. Works for me. Problem solved!
